Empowering you and your organisation

Every individual and organisation has the potential for greatness. Our transformative training programmes are designed to foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, so that both individuals and organisations can achieve their full potential.

Success is about both winning as a team, and also enabling every person to shine. We are dedicated to helping individuals and organisations unlock their true potential and develop the skills they need to thrive.

Your voice is unique, your business is one of a kind, your team is becoming the best it can be. We want to see you empowered so that your organisation will thrive.

About Shane

It’s evident that Shane’s more than 25 years of leadership experience and diverse education have equipped him with a unique set of skills that transcend both secular and non-secular leadership settings. His commitment to understanding and valuing individuals is a cornerstone of his leadership philosophy.

Boasting five degrees, an MBA, GradCertTh, BTh, DipMin and DipFP, Shane stands as a well-rounded leader. His organisational leadership grants him a nuanced understanding of the intricacies involved in managing and leading various aspects of the organisation.

Shane’s financial planning qualifications showcase a holistic approach to leadership, encompassing a keen understanding of financial aspects for both organizations and individuals. This multifaceted skill set is undoubtedly dan asset in navigating the complexities of different leadership environments.

His theological and ministry degrees underscore his belief in the intrinsic value of every individual. Through time spent counselling and coaching people in spiritual matters, Shane has developed a coaching style that encourages self-discovery. By employing pointed questioning, he helps individuals understand their current state, identify their aspirations, and overcome obstacles. This style of coaching is recognized in all spheres to be significantly more effective than the ‘coach’ who simply tells another what to do. Self-discovery is the greatest way to move a person towards their desired outcomes.

The leadership skills learnt through the Masters in Business Administration mean that Shane has both skills learnt in practical leadership and through being taught by industry experts at the University of South Australia which ranks as one of the best MBA’s in Australia and the World.

Shane’s track record reflects exponential growth in teams wherever he has led. The key to Shane’s success is uncovering his team’s motivations, prioritizing the team’s well-being and empowering leaders to excel.

Leadership in the Church requires a leader to understand the person well, to inspire teams to action. When having no means to remunerate a person, leaders must find alternate ways to motivate people and bring them on the journey. Shane’s desire to empower people to action according to their own passions has meant that Shane has grown teams from 2 to 200.

Overall, Shane’s journey and achievements exemplify the power of combining education, practical experience and a deeply rooted value system. Training and coaching with Shane makes this multitude of understanding and learning available to you.


Steve Whitfield - Award Winning Paramedic, Author and Humanitarian

‘I had the pleasure of meeting Shane recently to discuss ways to improve our business growth, culture and overall performance. From the moment I sat with him, he seemed to understand the gaps in our approaches and clarified our direction while presenting several strategies for improvements. I have already seen things improve in the business based on his advice and I have now lined up several more sessions with Shane this year. I recommend anyone who is considering coaching or training link up with Shane and discuss where your business is, and where you want it to go. In short, he was excellent and I cannot speak highly enough of him as a person, and of his abilities. With much thanks.’

Oliver Tjeuw - Strategy and Transformation Manager

‘Shane's ability to communicate and support anyone and everyone, his humility, and passion to see everyone around him succeed is why he is a fantastic leader. Shane also never shied away from speaking the hard truth, but he always did so in a way which made the other person feel cared for and valued. Ultimately, I learned a lot from the times I had with Shane, and am a better employee and person because of him.’

Kev Thomas - Senior Leader, The Junction

‘Last weekend we hosted Shane Kuchel, who is one of only a handful of certified Working Genius facilitators in Australia, to take a group of 17 leaders through a 4 hour journey. We  watched as our team discovered each other in a new way, gaining a deeper understanding of our individual strengths and wiring. We also learned how to better celebrate each other's working genius and collaborate more effectively for greater productivity.

Shane was an absolute blessing throughout the session. I think this is because he has a shepherd-like servant heart, developed through his pastoring experiences desiring to see everyone find their place. His calming and engaging personality created an environment where everyone felt at ease, fostering meaningful interaction and learning.

I cannot recommend Shane highly enough. He has the ability to help your team see each other more clearly, appreciate each other's uniqueness, and step into a more enjoyable collaborative working environment.’

Real Stories:

Working Genius of Invention

I met with a person who had resigned himself that a couple of team members were likely to move on from his team within the next few months.

This team leader had a genius of invention. On further analysis the team leader came to the realisation that he had been mentoring his team as though they had the same genius of invention. He had progressed in the company through coming up with good ideas. This was simply his genius shining through! And so in mentoring his staff he asked them to equally come up with new ideas.

The team member who had openly said they were looking for other work had a working frustration in invention. The team leader was down playing the persons geniuses and asking them to operate in their working frustration. This realisation helped the team leader to completely change their approach in mentoring their team members!

Working Geniuses of Invention and Discernment

Two team members who had worked together for some time found themselves regularly frustrated with one another. The Genius of invention would regularly offer ideas that were then dismissed by the Genius of Discernment.

Once the two team members came to understand the importance of their respective geniuses and the geniuses of one another; perspectives changed. Discernment recognised the shadow side to their genius in which they could appear dismissive of Invention. In working on this, the team members began to find themselves creating and working together with far greater efficiency and enjoyment than ever before.

Working Genius of Enablement

A team went through the Working Genius workshop and the team map revealed a majority genius in Enablement. Light bulbs went on throughout the room! ‘That is why we are so good at seeing the things that need to be done and doing them!’ As this was further discussed, it was realised that this may be stunting growth. It stopped the volunteers in the organisation having opportunity to step into the gaps. This realisation has helped this team to encourage greater volunteer engagement.

Working Genius of Galvanising

A person sought coaching with the primary concern that they were rarely innovative, even though they highly regarded innovators and innovative companies and start ups.

Once this person came to understand their working frustrations in Wonder and Invention it brought freedom from this self-perceived character flaw. It helped the person to focus on their Genius, galvanising and energising teams. This person developed greater joy in their work and his team. He came to value those with the gifts of Wonder and Invention, giving them space to come up with ideas that he could then see come to fruition with the use of his gifts.

The Working Genius brought greater capacity for the person being coached and gave the teams he worked in greater productivity as they were all able to focus on their respective geniuses.

Where we are:

We unlock the potential of individuals and organisations.

Where we will be:

We will create a movement of self-aware, empowered, empathic and purpose-driven leaders who will redefine history; ensuring that all humanity benefits.

What we aspire to be:

Learners: Embracing a culture of ongoing growth and development, both personally and professionally, developing greater self and others awareness.

Empathic: Fostering compassionate and understanding environments, recognising and valuing the unique perspectives of individuals. When the individual wins, the team wins.

Collaborative: Teamwork is where the magic happens! The output of a team is exponentially greater than the sum of individuals.